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Quick Start Guide: Setup Your First Engineering Metrics Dashboard in 5 Minutes
Kickstart your Proof of Concept (POC) and onboard to DevLake within minutes! Easily integrate your favorite tools such as GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, and Azure DevOps. Just follow our streamlined 3-step tutorial to quickly set up your first engineering metrics dashboard

DevLake Playground: How to explore your data
We'd like to introduce the DevLake Playground, a place where you can look beyond the dashboard overviews and find the golden nuggets buried deep within the data using the power of Python.

Compatibility of Apache DevLake with PostgreSQL
Apache DevLake is a dev data platform that can collect and integrate data from different dev tools including Jira, Github, Gitlab and Jenkins.This blog will not aim at a comprehensive summary of the compatibility of database but a record of issues for future reference.

How DevLake is Up and Running
Apache DevLake is an integration tool with the DevOps data collection functionality, which presents a different stage of data to development teams via Grafana. which also can leverage teams to improve the development process with a data-driven model.

Apache Incubator Welcomes DevLake, A Dev-Data Platform Serving Developers
We are excited to share today that the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) voted to make DevLake an officially supported project of the Apache Incubator.